tings are associated with a stock
photo of each item (another
Be Aware of Who / Where you are Purchasing From!
On eBay if it ships from China there is a 99.9% chance it’s a fake. You may notice deep discounts (50% – 90%) off of Pop Price Guide pricing on those same listings, which should register as a RED FLAG immediately. If it’s too good to be true, then it probably is and in most, if not all, of those cases listings are associated with a stock photo of each item .
Additional Tips :
- Ships and Sells from China
- Plain and simple avoid!
- Negative or Limited Reviews / Feedback
- Most of these reviews will have people waving the counterfeit Fake Pops flag.
- A low number or no reviews could also mean someone recently created the account to sell Fake items and then run away with the money!
- Large Quantities Available
- Vaulted items are hard to find and a common theme with the fake listings is they have a large quantity available for purchase.
- If it says 99 items are available or 50 sold at this price, simply avoid it.
- Big Discounts
- if a price is too good to be true it normally is. People who have $100 plus items aren’t going to sell them for $22 and this is especially true if they have 100 of them.
When purchasing from Facebook, local swaps, Apps like Offer Up, Mercari, etc, be sure to check feedback on the sellers. anytime you are planning a purchase, please reference these tools. The collecting community has done a wonderful job policing the fakes, but scammers can still slip in fake image to push the sale. Always, remember to use goods and services when using PayPal as a form of payment. This is an added layer of protection, should you be scammed.FLAG). Here is a consolidated list of warning signs you should avoid when purchasing